Absolutely Australian

The Gold River Company is a wholesale provedore of gourmet local produce”. To show our dedication to this mantra we have trademarked a logo; ‘Absolutely Australian’ – “A guarantee that all ingredients in this product are grown and/or produced in Australia”. The Gold River Company provides Absolutely Australian Gourmet food products.


Absolutely Australian Trademark - The Gold River Company
This label goes onto many of our products and we are always working towards using local ingredients over imported ones. Sometimes it is not possible to use Australian ingredients as they may not be grown or produced here.
A growing amount of people want to know where their food is coming from and how it is produce. Many companies import foods from countries that do not have the same health standards as we do, and often the food you are eating from overseas would not be allowed to be produced and sold here because it would not meet Australian standards. Due to our poor labelling laws in Australia this is allowed to happen.
The Gold River Company is a small and agile business based in the South Gippsland/Bass Coast region living nearby much of the local produce that is consumed in Victoria. We see new products as they arrive at the local farmers markets and we hear about what’s going on from the farmers and producers themselves.
We will continue in our ‘Quest for the Best’ in local produce.
The Gold River Company

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