Grinders / Saffron / Smoked Dukkah



The Gold River Company sell a number of products in grinders. They  are high quality grinders made of glass with an adjustable ceramic head grinder made to be reusable  for a very long time.

Devils Mix No 9 – Grinder

This blend of Himalayan Rock Salt, Chilli, Peppercorns, Garlic and Mustard Seed is smoked with shavings from recycled Oak Wine Barrels producing a seasoning which will transform any dish. This product is sold in a high quality glass grinder with an adjustable ceramic head.Available in 170 gram grinders.

Wholesale $12.00 x 10 = $120.00

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Retail $19.00

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Himalayan Rock Salt – Grinder

These post grown, pesticide free  whole peppercorns are grown on the only black peppercorn farm in Australia – in Tropical Queensland. This product is sold in a high quality glass grinder with an adjustable ceramic head.Available in 195 gram grinders.

Wholesale $7.00 x 10 = $70.00

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Retail $11.00

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qld black peppercorns

Premium Queensland Peppercorns – Grinder

These post grown, pesticide free  wholepeppercorns are grown on the only black peppercorn farm in Australia – in Tropical Queensland. This product is sold in a high quality glass grinder with an adjustable ceramic head.Available in 85 gram grinders.

Wholesale $12.00 x 10 = $120.00

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Retail $16.00

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Premium Queensland Peppercorns – Jar

These post grown, pesticide free  wholepeppercorns are grown on the only black peppercorn farm in Australia – in Tropical Queensland. Available in a 75 gram glass jar.

Wholesale $5.50 x 25 = $137.00

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Retail $10.00

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Grown and cured in Mirboo North, Gippsland, this high quality Saffron is available in 1 gram vials, ½ gram vials and 25 strand vials.Available in 1 gram, ½ gram and glass vials [25 strands].

Wholesale 1 gram = $65.00, ½ gram = $35.00 and vial $7.00 x 10 = $70.00

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Retail vials only $15.00

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Smoked Dukkah

Our Smoked Dukkah is made from premium ingredients then smoked using ‘seasoned olive wood’ from Fish Creek, South Gippsland. Excellent when used with our ‘Pure Frantoio’ Extra Virgin Olive oil.Available in 70 gram jars.

Wholesale $4.00 x 25 = $100.00

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Retail $8.50

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