The Gold River Company sell a number of products in grinders. They are high quality grinders made of glass with an adjustable ceramic head grinder made to be reusable for a very long time.
Devils Mix No 9 – Grinder
This blend of Himalayan Rock Salt, Chilli, Peppercorns, Garlic and Mustard Seed is smoked with shavings from recycled Oak Wine Barrels producing a seasoning which will transform any dish. This product is sold in a high quality glass grinder with an adjustable ceramic head.Available in 170 gram grinders.
Wholesale $12.00 x 10 = $120.00
Retail $19.00
Himalayan Rock Salt – Grinder
These post grown, pesticide free whole peppercorns are grown on the only black peppercorn farm in Australia – in Tropical Queensland. This product is sold in a high quality glass grinder with an adjustable ceramic head.Available in 195 gram grinders.
Wholesale $7.00 x 10 = $70.00
Retail $11.00

Premium Queensland Peppercorns – Grinder
These post grown, pesticide free wholepeppercorns are grown on the only black peppercorn farm in Australia – in Tropical Queensland. This product is sold in a high quality glass grinder with an adjustable ceramic head.Available in 85 gram grinders.
Wholesale $12.00 x 10 = $120.00
Retail $16.00

Grown and cured in Mirboo North, Gippsland, this high quality Saffron is available in 1 gram vials, ½ gram vials and 25 strand vials.Available in 1 gram, ½ gram and glass vials [25 strands].
Wholesale 1 gram = $65.00, ½ gram = $35.00 and vial $7.00 x 10 = $70.00
Retail vials only $15.00